Consumer Research
We believe good research is research that works for our clients, not for its own sake. Our research works because we focus on understanding real people, and how history, circumstances and situation all influence attitudes and behaviour at an individual level. We go beyond observation and data analysis to get to the heart of people, so that our clients can make better connections and build stronger relationships.
Since we were founded in 2000 we have seen just about every kind of brief and have expert experience in a host of methodologies across quantitative and qualitative techniques using on line, face to face, and virtual platforms. Sometimes the brief is all about finding real insights, other times it is a matter of helping determine which ideas are most likely to succeed. Whatever the brief we pride ourselves in being independent and objective – selecting the right tool for the right job rather than offering a one size fits all solution.
Our handy new research bot can help show you which approach could be suitable for a project, you can interact with our research bot by selecting the icon, located towards the bottom right on every webpage.

Our original area of specialism, the aim is to recreate people’s buying situations and context so that the packaging changes can be seen to work against the competitive set.
Our expert tool kit includes:
- Pack-Maven Test: on shelf quali quant
- Online Pack-Maven Test
- Online Pack Design testing
- Qualitative development workshops and groups
- Individual packcept interviews
- Real-Time decision testing
We work with our clients and their design teams to understand the desired response to a new or improved design and then ensure the research is tailored to identify how and how well it’s working in the hearts and minds of the people that matter most – current and potential buyers.
Our design research toolkit includes:
- Creative workshops
- Individual interviews
- One day solution sequential recycling groups

Our approach to researching brand health focuses on getting to the root of our client’s brand reality in the minds of real people, to identify the brand’s Fame and Force metrics and work out where there are gaps with the ambition of the brand blueprint.
Our research toolkit includes:
- Brand Reality health check
- Problem Detection research
- Individual Mind-Mining
- Consumer Discovery and Segmentation
- Tangible QuickQual
Understanding whether new ideas, products or services will work requires an understanding of decision making drivers, of people’s motivations and expectations and a focus on identifying where the concept is different and better than the alternatives using blended methodologies and gamification. Wherever possible we recommend research in context – simulating usage and a competitive set.
Our Innovation and concept development toolkit includes:
- Rocket-Fuel: intensive concept development
- Turbo-Sprint: one day solution sequential recycling groups
- Online concept testing research
- Quali Quant clinics
- Tangible QuickQual
- In-home and central location test research
- Co-creation workshops

In store, restaurant and hotel experience is best understood in two dimensions: in real time and recalled from memory. The differences between the two can be significant and illuminating.
Our shopper and guest research includes:
- Dine-a- longs and shop-a-longs: accompanied research
- Real-Deal: promotion research
- Real-Estate: store segmentation
Real-Eyes Shopper Research:
- Eye-Witness (in-store observation, interception and exit)
- Eye-Sight (eye tracking and navigation tests)
- Fresh-Eyes (category reviews)
Brand communications are best researched first amongst individuals, as awareness, comprehension and affinity are all personal responses. We can then scale up research to measure how they influence group and mass behaviour and attitudes at aggregated audience levels.
Our communications research toolkit includes:
- Click-a-long: accompanied surfing and usage research
- Indicomm sequential depth interviews
- Online concept tests
- Individual Mind-Mining
- Tangible QuickQual
- Box-Watch: viewing observation

Marketing Capability Training
We understand that businesses want to develop motivated inspired talent because it is through the growth of people in the business that the business will grow.
However, training should never be commissioned for its own sake as it is not an end in itself. We believe that the key to successful training is to focus on a business result – and that people can deliver results whilst they are training.
So not only can you have a better trained, more effective team, but you can also convert training needs into answers to live business questions in the process. We have developed a range of training experiences using e learning, seminars and workshops as standalone sessions or in an integrated
Marketing Excellence Programme, covering the following:
- Actionable Insights
- Consumer and Shopper Immersion
- Inspiring Brand Strategy
- Powerful Segmentation
- Winning Innovation
- Distinctive Packaging and Design
- Compelling Communications
- Category and Shopper Marketing
Brand Consulting
Our clients tell us that their key priority is to identify the right growth opportunities for their business. However, getting the right support and advice from people who understand brands can be a problem. We have a Tangible Brand Consulting solution, powered by our Tangible research capability and heritage, that guarantees results by giving access to expertise and experience that is more engaged, outcome focused, faster, and operates on a simple pay as you go project basis rather than a retainer.
We are driven by our belief that brands can be more successful if they are rooted in human truth and the reality of people’s lives. Our focus is on understanding this from the perspective of the people who matter most – current and potential paying customers.
We then work with brand owners, stakeholders and guardians to be true to who and what they represent. To help them identify what they can highlight, modify or introduce that will make their offer more distinctive, relevant, credible and motivating to paying customers.
- Brand acquisition and due diligence
- Brand and business positioning and repositioning
- Trends mapping and analysis
- Market entry planning
- Innovation strategy
- Innovation idea sprints
- Communication and engagement strategy development
- Channel and category strategy development