A turbocharged sprint through innovation idea generation through a consumer filter to provide a list of ready to develop concepts within the same day.
A team is convened comprising a client, agency partners and Tangible consultants at a Tangible workshop facility. An idea briefing has already taken place and all participants bring their own ideas with them in ready to share template form. The morning is spent on Idea sharing and critique & build sessions. Internal screens are conducted against agreed success criteria and shortlisting of priority ideas takes place over lunch alongside some rapid stimulus development. The afternoon/early evening is spent conducting filtering and idea development in the form of 3 quick fire, one-hour consumer sessions. Respondents are brought into the facility, exposed to the shortlisted ideas and a moderated discussion is conducted to identify optimisation solutions. In between each session the team modifies the concepts and research stimulus as required as a live sequential improvement process. The day concludes with a finalised concept shortlist ready for progression.
We recognise that ideas are created in the mind of an individual and improved in a group. Sorting the winners from the also-rans is a role for research and the best research builds on its own learning in real time, and that sometimes time is very short. The best research helps speed up and improve decision making so we have developed a means of putting consumers at the heart of the innovation process giving our clients the opportunity to develop and explore ideas with immediate feedback. Those attending the innovation sprint can leave at the end of the day (or first thing the next morning if we apply the “think on it overnight” test) having been part of the creative process and with the confidence of a shared view on consumer checked findings and an agreed action plan – no time is lost waiting for a debrief.