New Ideas On How To Grow

As well as speaking with consumers every day we always keep an eye out for new thinking and new ideas about brand growth to help us frame our recommendations for our research clients. So we are happy to share these three separate pieces of analysis which all have growth as a theme. More customers vs customers buying more A new article (Marketing Week 160424) has drawn the attention of Prof Byron Sharp amongst others for demonstrating the peril of going against one of the basic laws of marketing science – that brands grow more effectively by increasing penetration through finding […]


  A perennial challenge for brand owners and designers alike is the need to have mastery of efficient and effective communication on the front of packaging. Tangible has decades of experience helping tackle the challenge by bringing a consumer and shopper perspective into the process with tailored testing using standardised research under our PackMaster methodology. For the purposes of this, we are not referring to branding as such, or the equity building graphics or design elements which are an essential part of a brand’s asset palette (we have more on that in our Tangible Branding design methodologies). Our focus here […]

Celebrating 2022

Whilst looking forward is our priority, here’s a short reflection, for the record, on what we achieved in 2022. 2022 was probably the most turbulent year we have been through since … 2021, but it’s a good news story for Team Tangible : We are a stronger business having found ways to reduce operating costs and maximise value for our clients We worked with more clients in 2022 than we did in 2021 and across 20% more projects We keep working with old friends and continue to meet new friends. Our longest term continuous client relationship is 14 years and […]