Innovation Culture – It’s about them, not you

An organisation’s culture is best observed in the way the team behaves when the boss isn’t there. And we all know that having the right culture and environment is vital when seeking transformational change through innovation. So what is actually going on in your organisation? Does it look like a place that thrives on experimentation and the risk of failure Do people have progressive attitudes and world-changing ambitions Are resources being allocated to thinking, education, learning Are people actually happy talking honestly about things that have gone wrong as they look for opportunities to succeed Are there a lot of […]

“Training doesn’t work?”

Most of our clients would say that they have three primary assets – their brands; the goodwill tied up in the relationships they have with customers and consumers; and their people. And many would place people at the top of the list. Putting to one side the issue that most people, not least the burgeoning millennial generation, don’t like to be classed as an asset (which is somewhat dehumanising and has implications of ownership), we know what they mean: it is through the creativity, enthusiasm and application of people that great things are achieved. Therefore, it is a major occupation […]